Traxys, New York

Mining in the Big Apple

Traxys, a metal commodities trading company, partnered with Gensler to design its Manhattan office and announce its presence to the global financial capital.


Traxys wanted to communicate the connection between its mining and metals trading activities and their impact on the world, while simultaneously educating potential clients and partners about the importance of mining and minerals.


Gensler designed a three-dimensional, physical-digital experience that connects the raw materials to their ultimate impact on people and society.


A mixed-media entry experience combines a transparent LCD screen with niches housing physical specimens of different minerals, highlighting periodic table details while the adjacent screens tell stories about “A world without…” that mineral.

A person standing in front of a large screen.
A person standing in front of a display of pictures.
A person standing in front of a large screen.
A person standing in front of a display of pictures.

Services Provided

  • Content Strategy & Design
  • Creative Technology
  • Experience Strategy
  • Interior Design
  • SEGD Global Design Awards, Finalist, Experiential Design, 2020
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